Where Are You All Coming From?

One of the things that I did when I started this blog was to use it as a personal journey - a way to process the things that challenged me, energized me, and made me think about music therapy as a vocation and avocation. I started writing in the year 2006 with one post. I became a bit more focused when I wrote 38 posts the second year. In 2012, I started to focus on this blog as a part of my self-care routine. In the past three years, my self-care routine has become an almost daily ritual of sitting down at the computer and writing about the things that make me think - things about music, about therapy, and about me.

This year, I set a goal for this blog.

I wanted to grow from the average of 50 views per day to 100 views per day. In order to do this, I started to use social media to let folks know about this blog. I had (and still have) very little idea what I'm doing, but it seems to have worked. For some reason, my goal of 100 views per day is something well in the past. It has been accomplished.

I want to know some things. How did you all find this blog post? Were you going there purposefully? Did you find this place by accident? Are you music therapists? Are you other people who are interested in music as a therapeutic medium? Why do you read this blog?

I'm going to keep on writing almost every day (I do give myself some time to have a day off), and I am going to keep talking about the things that interest me. I hope you will keep reading.


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