TME Tuesday - My Favorite Chord Progressions

I'm taking the easy way out today. Rather than giving you a Therapeutic Music Experience (TME) like I usually do, here is a list of the chord progressions that I use during most of my improvisations. Please use them to write your own music - there are some good ones in there...

I, vi, IV, V7 (of course!)
I, I7, IV, I, V7, IV7, I (again, of course!)
I, IV, I, IV, ii, V7, ii, V7, I
i, iv, v (yep, I REALLY mean the minor v - good modal sound)
I, V, IV

Sorry for the brevity, but I'm trying to go back to work today after an injury, so am going to try driving the distance with a ruined knee. I need enough time to try it, see if I can do it, and then hobble into the music therapy room which is destructed after the incident where I got injured...

Ah, the life of me...


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