Here We Are Again, Monday.

I followed my typical Monday morning sleep routine this morning. I awoke early and spent lots of time thinking about what I want to do this week - I'm already stressing about my Wednesday group - and what I have to do this week. I'm trying to figure out what's going on out there in music therapy world and how it applies to me. I'm also juggling medical mysteries and some new appointments and the preparation that goes along with all of these new appointments. In order to counteract my sudden plunges into anxiety, I am trying to focus on other things.

This weekend, I bought some music from iTunes. I found the soundtrack for Inside Out (which, if you haven't already, make plans to see) and for Lava. These tracks are being synced to the iPod right now. I am planning on listening to the music during the day today. I don't know when, but at some time today.

I am going to try to counteract the Monday Blues with some good music, and some good thought patterns.

Today is brand new. There are opportunities out there for me and for everyone to be good, to do good, and to help others be good. The day is breaking (it will be horribly hot and humid), and my air conditioners are all working! The cat is being cuddly, and I'm watching bad television on the Roku box. Life is pretty good.

Go see Inside Out. Really.


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