TME Tuesday - Changes In Matter

One of the things that I really enjoy is writing music for education curriculum. My dream job is to write music for Sesame Workshop. Anyway, I had a theme here that included changes in matter as a topic for science for kids with severe intellectual involvement. The idea was to give kids a chance to identify different states of matter. It was pretty successful - I spent time finding pictures of water in liquid, gas, and solid form. I laminated them, but still don't have five other things to do with them, so they are in a file folder here at home. I have to figure out five other things to do...

Here's my logo for products that take educational concepts and make them into musical offerings.

Changes in Matter TME
Mary Jane Landaker, MME, MT-BC 

Purpose: To reinforce science topic of changes in matter (specifically water as liquid, solid, and gas); symbol/icon representation;

Source: Original chant. © February 9, 2015 by Mary Jane Landaker, MME, MT-BC.

Materials: Pictures of water in three states (attached); external beat (from keyboard or beat track)

Environment: Group members in arrangement that allows everyone to see the therapist and the pictures

Song/Chant/Words: Chant
Things change. Some change more than others. Water can change into three different things. Water – as a liquid is wet, wet, wet. Ice – water as a solid, brrr, cold. Steam – Water as a gas, hot, hot, hot.

Water – leave it alone, it stays a liquid – wet, wet, wet. Add cold, water turns into a solid, ice, ice, ice. Add heat, water turns into a gas, steam, steam, steam.

Which one is a liquid? Show it to everyone. Which one is a solid? Show it to everyone. Which one is a gas? Show it to everyone. Some things change.

Procedure: R = Reinforcement opportunities; C = Redirection/Cue opportunities; A = Assessment
1.      C= start the chant, displaying the pictures as indicated in the song.
2.      A= assess which group members are watching the pictures
3.      R= reinforce group members who are attending to the song and the pictures. Redirect group members who are not attending.
4.      C= continue the chant, offering opportunities for group members to answer and fill in the lyrics.
5.      R= reinforce group members who answer questions correctly.
6.      Repeat steps 1-4 until group members have completed all identification and can identify the appropriate matter state or until time runs out or group members show s/s of boredom or disengagement.

Therapeutic Function of Music:
The rhythmic foundation of the beat track offers opportunities for entrainment. The rhythmic format and meter can be changed in order to assist group members in paying attention, coordinating movements and responses, and in singing the lyrics.

None - chant
Verbal pitch varies
Variable – requires steady beat pattern to encourage entrainment to external stimulus
Variable in order to accommodate client preferences and needs
None - chant

Variable in order to accommodate client preferences and needs
Variable in order to accommodate client preferences and needs – may add instruments
Variable in order to accommodate client preferences and needs
Chart adapted from Hanson-Abromeit, D. (2010). A Closer Look at the Therapeutic Function of Music. Presentation at 2010 American Music Therapy Association National Conference: Cleveland, OH.

·         Focus on one state of matter at a time. Separate into three different raps/chants.
·         Change the tempo and rhythm in order to assist group members in entrainment to the external stimulus.
·         Leave out words and wait for clients to fill-in.

·         Adapt the song to include other things that change their matter states.
·         Layer the chant to include all three matter states simultaneously.
·         Invite group members to mix-up the words in order to lead peers.


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