Sing A Song Sunday - Weave Me the Sunshine

Today's song is on page 120 of Rise Up Singing . It is by Peter Yarrow, one of my favorite performers and composers. You have to know Peter Yarrow - he's Peter from Peter, Paul, and Mary and wrote songs like Puff the Magic Dragon and many, MANY others. Today's song is Weave Me the Sunshine . I have to admit that I didn't know this song until today. Like most of Peter Yarrow's songs, this one sounds folksy and follows a predictable pattern of chorus and verse. Unlike most of Yarrow's songs, it starts on the Subdominant chord and ends on the Dominant chord rather than finishing all nice and neat on the Tonic chord. It seems to be designed specifically for a fade rather than a definite ending. This song seems to go on and on and on. I will need to spend several hours listening to this song before I can replicate it in any specific form. I wonder if it is written down in any of my fake books... I've never heard it before now. I am thinking that Sing A...