My Ever-Continuing Quest for ORGANIZATION!

It is the third day of my school break. I have spent some time napping, reading music therapy books, cooking, and eating. I have also started a major project for this break - my craft room! I am hoping that my craft room will be reorganized and looking spiffy by the end of my break and the beginning of the extended school year.

Here's the deal. As I have stated before and will state again, I am a packrat. Not on a Hoarders-type scale, but a packrat nonetheless. I like stuff. I know this trait comes from my family members - on both sides of both sides of my family. There are stories about my great-grandmother that make me cringe, even as I put more stuff into my craft room. It is now time to look over things, steam clean the carpet, and ORGANIZE!

My organization style can best be called "convenient." I group my instruments together based on how they sound together. The wooden-type instruments go together in one box. This is primarily because I have only one or two of each instrument, but also because they sound good when played together. The rhythm sticks, bells, triangles, and egg shakers are in one box together since there aren't enough of any of those to fill up an entire box on their own, but they also work together. So, my organizational style makes sense to me, but not so much to just anyone else.

My craft room is no different.

I am a novice crafter, and I like little bits of every kind of crafting. I like some woodworking, some needlepoint, some crocheting, some scrapbooking, and lots of visual aid making for my clients and music therapy practice. I have lots of things. Crafting takes lots of stuff.

So, this break is dedicated to corralling the stuff into a manageable system. First step? Moving things out of the room. I have moved all of the boxes and loose stuff out of the room, but I need to move the shelving units out, steam clean the carpet, and then start from scratch with an empty room. 

The process will take some time - going through materials and boxes, throwing things out, donating things I don't need anymore, identifying projects to complete for presents or for the music therapy clinic - but I have 15 more days to work on the project.

I have a vision for this space - a creation station within arm's reach of the materials that I need to make file folder activities. Yarn storage that is color-coded so I can get to red yarn without having to hunt through boxes. Fabric near the sewing machine. Space on the floor to cut out patterns. Music nearby at all times. So, that is my dream.

When things are organized, I feel like I know what I am doing. I can put my hands on any materials at any time. My crafting experiences flow smoothly because I do not have to take time to find the materials I need. This is the same thing that I strive for during my music therapy sessions. I don't like having to turn my back on my clients in order to look for the shaker eggs. I want to be able to reach my hand into the cabinet and automatically find the shaker eggs. That level of organization is my zenith.

I also get to label things - did I mention that yet? I love labels!


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