The Shoulda Goblin Strikes Again...

I am a fan of a blogger/artist/author named Danny Gregory who draws things and is quite the philosopher. He talks lots about his creative process, the people that inspire him, and about his doubts about his own talent. He wrote a series of posts about his "monkeys" - the doubts that sink into his brain and stay awhile. I can relate.

My doubts don't take the form of monkeys, they come in full-out goblin form. (See my former post, Shoulda, Woulda, Coulda Goblins for more.)

Yesterday, the most difficult of my goblins, the Shoulda Goblin, came out in full force.

I had an off day. I had a change of schedule that meant that there was less opportunity to run sessions than usual. I was supposed to have physical behavior management training that kept me out of the other music therapy session that was scheduled. I asked my intern to take over that session, which she did since her session had been canceled. I went up to the training room with three other people and sat there for a time before someone came up to tell us that the instructor was out sick. At that moment, I was faced with a decision...

I opted not to interrupt the plan of my intern, so I stayed in my office and looked at music therapy pins on Pinterest. BAD IDEA!!

I am not a member of Pinterest and I rarely look at the music therapy boards on Pinterest. I look at the site for education ideas, do-it-yourself and craft ideas, and humor. That's all. I got onto the music therapy boards yesterday because I found that someone had pinned my blog and my website to their boards! That was an ego boost and it led me into the bog of the shoulda goblin.

I look around at all of the things that other music therapists do, post, and present, and I start thinking, "I should be doing that." "I am such a failure because I don't have a news piece on my music therapy practice." "I need to do more." That's when the goblin takes over and makes himself at home in the dusty corners of my brain.

I think I will be under the influence of this goblin for a time, but I know how to get myself out from under his spell. The first step is to get back into the music therapy setting! Fortunately, I get to do that today. I get to make music with a bunch of wonderful kids. I get to be a part of their lives. This is a good way to evict the goblin. The second step is to realize what I already do. Sure, my talents don't lie in being someone who self-promotes, but I am a good therapist and a good trainer - something that not everyone can claim. Take that, Shoulda! It is time for you to move on... 


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