Major Fail on My End

So sorry that it has been so long since my last post. I REALLY try hard not to be one of those bloggers that posts something once every five or six months. I REALLY try to post something weekly, even if it is just some random thoughts that have been rattling around in my brain...

Anyway, it's been two weeks since I last posted something on this page. I have no defense other than to say that life has been a bit overwhelming lately culminating with a case of influenza that has knocked me down a bit. I'm now on the mend and starting to get myself under control (I think!).


I figured out something about myself last week. Now, this is not really a new something, but something I had forgotten. Are you ready? 

I am happiest when I have a problem or puzzle to solve.

I think this is why I stayed a student for so very long. I love puzzles, problems, and conundrums - the more difficult and convoluted, the better when it comes to me! I love looking for answers and all the ways of getting to them that I possibly can. When I do not have a challenge, I stagnate.

Last week, I manufactured a puzzle. It was based on a suggestion from my supervisor back in April. She suggested that I think about going into a flexible schedule. I found a fixed schedule that would incorporate the benefits of a flex schedule (specifically, time spent in the residential program at my facility outside of the school day) and that would satisfy some of my basic needs (set schedule, defined work hours, and guaranteed time to plan sessions and document). I proposed moving to a 10 hour/day work schedule with a Monday-Thursday work week. 

This proposal presented all types of challenges for me! I had to figure out how sick hours would work, which days off would happen, how inservice training would work, and all sorts of sticky situations! It was wonderful!

A couple of weeks ago, my other supervisor offered me a challenge. Our facility is getting ready for a philosophical change of the highest magnitude. She asked me if I would be on the implementation team. I am now just waiting for instructions on how and when we will be starting our jobs. Another puzzle!! It will be interesting to see how much I am allowed to contribute (there are some very strong personalities on the original team that my very strong personality may clash with - stay tuned!). 

Both the request to be on the implementation team and my own request to change work schedules have shifted my opinions about my workplace a bit more towards the positive side than they have been lately. We will see how things progress.

I am now searching for my new puzzle, problem, and conundrum...


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