Fun Stuff - A Completed Project - Maybe

Can you keep a secret? (You really don't have to, if you don't want to!) I think I've finished the first draft of my first Therapeutic Music Experience (TME) book! I am being somewhat cautious 'cause I've had these thoughts before and just watched them fizzle away... but, this time I think I've got it!

As I have explored with you in many MANY other posts before, I get bogged down by feelings of inadequacy - I call those feelings my "woulda, coulda, shoulda goblins." I had a particularly bad episode with the "shoulda goblin" a couple of weeks ago that led to me having some rough nights coupled with insomnia and an allergy attack. This was after influenza, but before the start of my winter break. It was not a good thing.

So, anyway, after wallowing in the "poor me's" for a time, I looked around for something that would be a proactive step towards banishing "shoulda" for a time. I came up with an idea that I have been trying to accomplish for many years now - a book of original TMEs specifically for adolescents in music therapy treatment.

The meat of the book is complete. I took TMEs from my compendium of ideas and transferred them into a book format. (I am very impressed with the way in which I learned how to make some unique headers and footers, by the way.) Now, all I need to do is to design a cover, add some "how-to use" comments, find some graphics, and release it out into the world for use (and commentary). I am thrilled with the progress that I have made in the past three days towards completing SOMETHING that others can use! I can barely contain my excitement!!!!!! (Tsk, tsk - look at all of those exclamations!)

For the next two days, I am going to work, work, work on completing this project so it can launch on my website by February 1, 2014!

More Than Lyric Analysis: Therapeutic Music Experiences for Adolescents is coming to a website near you VERY SOON!

Thanks for indulging me in this celebration of getting something done!

Happy New Year, everyone.


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