Blogging Mission Statement

So, two days ago, I was talking to my current intern about self-reflection and the use of our journals during her internship. I brought up the subject of my blog, which has been in existence since 2006, and which has been generally my place to spew forth on anything that is challenging me at the time. As I was listening to myself talk about this blog, I was thinking, "What do I really want to do with this forum?" So, I'm going to work on a mission statement for this part of my social presence.

I'll start with this idea - this blog is my online journal. It is a place for me to write about music, therapy, and things going on with me. The posts that I submit are somewhat censored on my end. If my rants tend towards self-pity or too much disclosure, they do not make it to the blog. If things tend to be too self-promoting, the paragraphs don't make it (often!). As an introverted person, I feel comfortable sharing ideas and thoughts in this forum. That is why you will see me respond to things written about on Facebook group discussions here in this forum and not on the group page. It is a place for my opinions about things.

So, the blog is a place for me to talk about my ideas, opinions, and thoughts about music therapy.

Mission Statement of music, therapy, and me: My mission is to develop and publish my ideas about music, about therapy, and about music therapy to an audience of music therapy clinicians and others interested in music as a therapeutic modality. 

Now I need to think about how I will make sure that I can do this.

There is a need for every person who is out on the web to think about what purpose each forum will play in the bigger picture. For me, it is important to maintain a professional demeanor on Facebook, on the website, and on this blog. Personal information is not really something that I want tumbling out to a general audience at all times. The blog, however, is more personal to me.

I represent my facility, my school, and my profession every time I sit down to write a post. You may not know where I work or where I went to school, but you should know that I am a music therapist from the first blog post that you access!

This is my place to reflect on myself as a therapist, as a musician, and as a person.

Music, therapy, and me.

There you go! 


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