Happiness Initiative: Update

Check out this post by Gretchen Rubin, who is not my inspiration, but may be someone I start to follow:


The combination of Happiness Project and Ray Bradbury really called to me. I love Ray's comment to his young fan about loving what YOU love regardless of what others think.

My happiness initiative is in its third or fourth week - I actually have forgotten. I am trying the best that I can to focus on positives - hot days? An excuse NOT to go outside! Cranky clients? An opportunity to rejoice in the clients that are pleasant and a joy to be around. The strange communication from the principal that makes little sense to me?? Hmmm.

I am getting ready for the next in my series of webinars for music therapists. It will happen on Thursday evening and should be pretty fun. If you are interested, look at www.musictherapyworks.com for details on how to register.

Keep seeking happiness!


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