Being Authentic to Who You Are
I have been crawling in the virtual music therapy world again, and I stumbled upon a post on Music Therapists Unite about "being stuck." This comment struck a chord with me (as I am sure that you know if you have been reading my blog lately). The author asked if others ever felt stuck in their work. The comments were varied, occasionally on topic, and interesting to read. Some folks recommended supervision. Now, in these situations, supervision often refers to a one-to-one session with a therapist (sometimes music, sometimes not). Some folks think that supervision or counseling should be a requirement of being a therapist, and they aver that supervision has made them better therapists. Other music therapists feel that such a requirement is not necessary. I fall somewhere in the middle of the argument. For the past nine months, I have participated in a formal meeting with the art therapist at my facility. While this is not necessarily professional supervision or counseli...