Turns out, it's not all me...

So, I've been thinking about the difficulties that I had last week. I went back into the team setting, looking at the behavior of all of the folks that I work with in that setting. While my attitude is not the best in that setting, there were other things at play.

The interns did a good job of playing games. They ran around and spent lots of time interacting with students - exactly what they should have been doing the week before. It was good to see that they had decided to get involved. It saved us a talk. They still spent some time standing against the wall, but only after most kids had left the session. It was a relief that we didn't have to have "that" talk.

The physical education staff is burned out. All of their interactions with students are centered around what kids are not doing right. There is very little that is positive in the gym these days. The situation is such that both the teacher and the para educator are tired of being teachers. They are unable to find new jobs (truthfully, they have not looked very hard), and they complain that they are stuck in a horrible position.

I like my job. Sure, there are things that drive me crazy about it - the principal is not effective as a leader, communication and teamwork has deteriorated, people seem to be using my music room when I am not around - but there are other things that I still love.

I love working with my kids and my interns. The joy of making music continues to tickle me. I enjoy developing new things to do to reach therapeutic aims and goals. I love spending time teaching and therapizing. So, I have decided that I need to take a preemptive strike and remove myself from the toxic situation centered in the gym.


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