The Moon

Ask anyone who has ever worked in an emergency room, and they will tell you - full moon nights are the most bizarre nights ever. I am a moon baby and VERY affected by the cycles of the moon. Let me explain.

I was a postmature baby. You don't hear much about those of us who were more comfortable in utero than the rest of you folks, but there are babies that wait to be born. I was one of those babies.

My mother carried me for almost 10 months, much to her dismay, and I waited to be born until the night of the full moon. I was one of 31 babies born that night and day and things were hopping in the hospital.

Ever since then, I have been ruled by the moon.

My mom swears that I cycled through mild forms of mania and depression even as an infant, linked up with the moon cycles. (She has worked in hospitals and has observed the full moon phenomenon personally). She said things would just become difficult to explain or talk about, and she would check the calendar.

This topic is on my mind because I had an episode on Monday that caused me to become mildly depressed. I started to be concerned because I do not like the depressive side of my personality and was worried that I was getting ready to burnout of my job. I couldn't understand why it was such a change in mood and demeanor over the past several days. I wrote about it in my journal and started processing through the situation. Yesterday, I was fine. My perky personality was back, and I was happy with my job and other aspects of my life. I wondered, so I looked at the calendar.

Lo and behold, a new moon day.

It's hard to explain what I feel when this occurs. Sometimes I feel pulled up, other times I feel pushed down. Monday was a pushed down day. I'm hoping that September 15th will be a pulled up day - I feel taller, more elegant, less ruled by gravity.

I worked with a psychologist who scoffed at the idea that behavior was affected by the moon cycle. I understand that we do not know if the moon affects us in any way because we have never existed without the moon.

But, leave me my identity as a moon baby - it makes me feel better to think that there is something else out there that affects me, something I can't control. and something to blame things on.


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