Christmas is coming...
And while I would say that the goose is NOT getting fat, I am certainly looking forward to the holiday season this year. I am officially finished with all of the holiday hulla-ba-loo that I am responsible for, and I am getting ready to kick back!
Of course, there are the two intern evaluations I need to do this week, the senior intern to prep for a second interview, the two papers to write for Dr. C, and the cleaning, the cleaning, THE CLEANING! At least the shopping is finished!
Back to intern talk - there is much satisfaction to be had as a clinical trainer. I am confident that the intern that is finishing her time with me will be happy as a therapist. She has great instincts when it comes to working with adolescents. I am nervous for her, but happy that she has a promising second interview with an apparently growing company. I am starting to get ready for the next several interns.
The process of teaching someone how to do music therapy is much different from actually doing therapy. Interns challenge my own therapeutic development because they want, need, and deserve to know why I am doing specific things with my clients. I constantly find myself reflecting on the process and therapeutic triad when I am training others. It is so important to recognize and use the power of music for the benefit of the client when conducting therapy. I find that I often fade into the background of an exceptional session - those moments are often rare, but I can still feel one when it happens. The perfect blend of music and client as a production of joy. The therapist plays a tertiary role in the session. All that matters is the connection that the client has to the music - the therapist merely manipulates the music to make that connection.
Deep thoughts for a Sunday...I'm exhausted and need to let these ideas marinate.


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