Becoming a Research-Informed Clinician - Part 8? (Honestly, I can't remember!)

There are lots of things buzzing around in my head right now. Some of those things are music therapy related, others are things like "I wonder why Antman is so compelling?" Yet others are "I wonder if I can still do the splits after my physical therapy is finished." (I think I know the answer to that one and won't be trying any time soon!) I think it's going to be a really long day.

The music therapy related questions include things such as "Why do I get my copy of journals 7-10 days before my friend who lives in Texas? Do they release journals based on the names of states? If so, then Kansas would come before Texas. If not, then why does it take so long for her journals to arrive? Who gets them before me?"

Speaking of journals, I received my most recent copy of the Journal for Music Therapy (JMT) last week sometime, and I've read through most of it already. Admittedly, it was a fast read for me in my role of research-informed clinician since most of it had nothing to do with the population of clients that I serve. The article that came the closest was about responsive parenting, but it didn't really present much that informs my clinical practice. I have my post-it notes, but my research sheet is on a jumpdrive which is currently safely locked away in my work office an hour away, so I won't be going to get it. The journal is conveniently there next to the jumpdrive so I can't even do the appropriate APA citation for you. I'll share my form sometime next week with my takeaways.

The next part of this process of becoming something more informed is to start linking what I am doing with the research information as I am doing my job. I wonder if I could use the conclusions that I have found in reading in my TME development in some way. (I don't really have enough research read yet to know how this will work but it makes me think...hmmm.) There has to be a way to bring the things that we research into our clinical world. Otherwise, why bother doing research?

Today's tasks include working on my CBMT pre-approved provider application, submitting presentation proposals to AMTA for the National Conference, and getting the tires rotated on the car. I also need to do laundry because laundry never ends.

Happy Saturday!


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