TME Tuesday: Nasty Food

I am going to apologize, in advance, for this post as I am sure that some people will not like it, others will find it funny, and yet others will wonder what type of warped therapy mind would come up with something like this to begin with. (Full disclosure - mine. There are times when I do things just to get the attention of my clients. I am an attention-seeker.) So, keeping that in mind, consider this.

We have a song that we sing about things that we like to eat. It's main purposes (primary goal) most of the time are to assess and expand receptive and expressive language as well as to promote social interaction. Many of my middle-schoolers would take this song and hijack it using foods that even they admitted they would not eat. Hence, the need for this particular song.

It has rapidly become one of the most-requested songs at my facility. I marvel at that fact every time it is requested.


If you would like the sheet music, please let me know through the comments. Or, you can find us on Facebook here

Again, I am so sorry!

Therapeutic Music Experience
Nasty Food
Mary Jane Landaker, MME, MT-BC

Purpose: To promote social interaction, vocabulary, creativity, impulse control, opinions about food

Source: Original song © July 7, 2011 by Mary Jane Landaker, MME, MT-BC. Inspired by CB from Room 7 during individual music therapy session

Materials: OPTIONAL: pictures of food items – the grosser the better

Environment: Variable

Song/Chant/Words: Nasty Food.pdf
i                            V7                  i                                 V7  i
Gro-oss, gro-oss, na-sty, na-sty, Gro-oss, gro-oss, na-sty food.
i                            V7                  i                                 V7  i
Gro-oss, gro-oss, na-sty, na-sty, Gro-oss, gro-oss, na-sty food.
i                             V7                                               i                   iv         V7
Would you eat an earwax peanut butter sandwich? Would you eat that kind of food?
i                             V7                                               i                   iv         V7    i
Would you eat an earwax peanut butter sandwich? Would you eat that kind of food?
i                            V7                  i                                 V7  i
Gro-oss, gro-oss, na-sty, na-sty, Gro-oss, gro-oss, na-sty food.
i                            V7                  i                                 V7  i
Gro-oss, gro-oss, na-sty, na-sty, Gro-oss, gro-oss, na-sty food.

Procedure: R = Reinforcement opportunities; C = Redirection/Cue opportunities; A = Assessment
1.      C=Start singing the song with limited introduction to task.
2.      A=assess reactions to items offered as part of the song
3.      R=reinforce all responses to the song, including the negative ones
4.      C=repeat the song, substituting other food items for the underlined words

Therapeutic Function of Music: Music provides the structure for the experience, offering a chance to determine personal tastes in a nonthreatening manner. The minor tonality reinforces the words of the song – emphasizing the disgusting nature of the targeted words.

  • Offer pictures of foods that do not usually go together

  • Use with other food songs to reinforce food preparation and/or healthy eating skills


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