Happy Storm Day!

Today, in my small part of the world, we are going to experience almost all the weather we experience - all in one day! It has already stormed and hailed. It is getting ready to thunder and then blizzard later. We're currently under two high wind warnings and a blizzard warning for the next 48 hours. What fun!

The main result of all of this weather is that my body hurt really bad yesterday. It is better today because things are no longer changing - the barometric pressure is where it is and shouldn't drop much more... I hope. Yesterday, I hobbled from chair to chair because I couldn't walk without extreme pain. Today, I've been able to move with much less aches. 

I am trying really hard to see a thrifty aspect to a stormy day...

Let's see...

I am anticipating another inclement weather day tomorrow - we will see, but signs are strong. Other than saving on gasoline for the commute, there is the physical savings that happen when you don't have to travel in inclement weather. As I have aged, I am more stressed when I have to drive long distances in the dark, snowy climes that happen around here. If I was a bit more organized, I would have my sleeping bags and pillows already in my car so I could spend a comfortable-ish night at work rather than stress about driving, but I'm not that organized right now. I don't know where I put my sleeping bags.

Stormy days are not typical around here. We have many more sunny days than stormy ones, but the storms make the biggest impact on our memories. 

I'm going to give up on the whole thrifty therapist thing for today. It is really hard to make an appropriate and fitting analogy. Time to move on.

Yesterday's post turned out to be a mass of complaints about how my body was feeling, so I didn't post it. Once I got myself to work, I remained in pain, but I did my work regardless and then hobbled to my car, hobbled to my kitchen, and then hobbled to bed. I am anticipating that today will be a better day on my body - I am already in less pain.

This week in music therapy, we are exploring our Country of the Month - New Zealand. I have found some songs and body percussion songs to use in the middle of our presentation to make things a bit more interesting than just sitting and watching videos. Yesterday's groups did good jobs of asking questions and being involved in what I presented. Let's hope that today's groups will feel the same way. I never know, and that is one of the things that makes my job interesting to me - I never know how my clients will be responding to the world around them. 

This has been a good topic/theme for this week. It has been something that I can run from a chair rather than having to move all over the room. I like to introduce these thoughts and ideas to my clients within our music therapy session time, and I am feeling successful at incorporating more treatment domains into these sessions.

At this time, I am trying to find my TME jump drive so I can move more of my ideas from the book into a digital format. I have no idea where that little, green drive can be. Fortunately, I back this drive up to the cloud pretty regularly, so I will have lots of opportunities to restore whatever I need to restore if I cannot find it, but I am feeling its loss. Now I am distracted by looking for it... focus, mj. Focus.

There isn't much else to talk about today. I am going to head out into the world to get to work. I will be waiting for the snow to blow in - I hope it waits until I can get myself here at home. I may dedicate tomorrow (if we have a snow day) to finding my jumpdrive and organizing bits and pieces of the downstairs bedrooms in preparation for a move down here for the spring and summer months. I might even be able to move down here tomorrow - if we have a snow day. I like being down here because things are much cooler - it is 3/4ths underground (I live in a dugout type house). So, I guess I am hoping for a snow day even though it will complicate my life significantly if it happens...

Time to go. Have a good day, all.


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