The First Monday of Break

Today is the first Monday of my break and day four of my new year. It is going to be an interesting day since it is my brother's anniversary (he's now divorced) and is my father's birthday. We will be getting together with his twin sister later today to celebrate their birthdays and to mourn his loss earlier this year. It will be a day of crying and laughing. We are going to try to celebrate more than mourn but we are also going to just be present for her.

I am also going to send out a book that I made into the world. Someone actually asked for one of my little books, so it is heading out this morning. I will also go shopping for some food stuffs and some tissues. I need cheese and some go-withs to supplement what I already have here, so it should be a quick shopping trip. I may even go to Target (I don't go there often). I also have a book request from another friend, so I will be thinking about how I can make that book. The request includes some specialty papers (which I already have) that will complicate things a bit, but I think I can get it done. I enjoy a challenge.

Speaking of, does anyone want one of my books? Just let me know and I will send it to you - for free, folks, for free. Take them off my hands!!

I have ten days of rest in front of me, and I am resisting the urge to make plans that I will just break and then criticize myself for not getting done. I am going to try to do what I do and not make all sorts of unrealistic plans. The only thing that I have to do in the next 10 days is go to the hand doctor the day before summer school starts. That's it. Nothing else on the books.

So, I am going to go out to the post office and then to Target before heading back here to make a customized book for a friend's child. That's it. I may make a meatloaf some time during this break. I may not. I have already baked a cake to fill up some time. I may need to get a couple of brownie mixes as well while I am out shopping. Put it on the list!!

So, resisting the urge of planning and cooking things is what's ahead of me.

I started reading Emotional Processes in Music Therapy by John Pellitteri yesterday. I actually feel like this is a good text for me. It isn't much into one sort of music therapy practice over another (at least, so far), and it focuses more on emotion research than on anything else. Freud hasn't even been mentioned yet!! Huzzah! This will be an interesting thing to read for my Sunday posts.

That's about it. Tomorrow is TME Tuesday, so I will prepare something for that post (as long as I remember that it is Tuesday...that's been a problem lately). See you then.


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