Sick Day - Long Week - Grumble, Grumble, Grumble

Yesterday, I took a sick day. I woke up with my voice in the tenor register (I'm usually a soprano), with a runny nose, and a wicked cough. I took my heavy duty medication and then settled in for the 24 hours of serious side effects that happen with the heavy duty stuff. I tried to find my assistant principal's voice mail box and finally gave up and just texted him (at 4-ish am). I sent emails to both of my interns letting them know what to do once they got to work, and then I slept.

Today, I have to go to work. 

It is a long, long week at work. We were supposed to be having Open House tomorrow night, but it has been postponed - there are lots of reasons behind this, but all I know is that it has been replaced with "team-building" activities. I can't participate as I have to go to work tomorrow evening halfway through the mysterious trip to team-building. I'm not all that disappointed.

I will be at work for a long time this week because one of my interns is in training. Training days are very long - they start at 8 and go until 4:30 (at least). This is one of the things that they didn't tell me when the other intern started her training. They told me she would be finished at 3pm, but that didn't happen. I am prepared this time around. I'll be staying later than my usual time to wait for that intern to finish up and to check in. That means coming up with some projects to keep myself occupied with during my extended days. All of this is happening during my medication haze, so who knows what will develop from this entire situation.

For the moment, the plan is to finish this post, get dressed in my uniform, and head out into the world to do some music therapy. After that, who knows what will happen. First, it is time to take the first step.

Time to go. Time to get my medicated brain going and head out into the world. I hope you have a happy Tuesday...


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