Music Therapy and Bullet Journaling

I have been spending WAY too much time on YouTube watching bullet journalers set up their journals. Every month, people who are way more into this organization system than I am spend time putting together videos about their themes and set-ups. Then, they post their offerings on YouTube for the rest of us to see and think about. After that, people like me go and watch their videos and then feel like there is so much more that I could/should/would do with my own journal if only I was dedicated enough...

This is not one of those bullet journal posts.

First of all, I am a functional bullet journaler only. I use the idea of a bullet journal to organize what I want to get done. I don't think that things have to be all pretty and perfect, though I do like things to look nice. I don't watercolor pictures for my journals, but I do use the fancy pens that I already have in my craft room. I'm still finding my way into doing things in this world, and I find that it really helps me with keeping myself going on projects and the like.

My index and color key
I have two bullet journals - a home journal and a work journal. My home journal is a Star Wars journal that I received from my sister for a present of some sort. It has a word picture of R2-D2 on the front and just seemed to be something that would work well for me to use as a journal. I took some time to number the pages, and I started an index. 

I put my indices at the end of my bullet journals rather than at the beginning. (Bujo travesty #1!) Most people put their index on the first couple of pages, but I never feel confident using those pages for an ever growing and changing list, so I flip to the back. I attached a color coded key so I could see what types of things I would list in the journal, and off I go in to the world of keeping track of all sorts of things.

I've tried the day-at-a-glance and week-at-a-glance methods of keeping track of things that I want to do. Those haven't been as successful for me. Interestingly, most of the bullet journalers that I've been watching as well haven't used their formats either. They spend lots of time setting things up and then just go about their business without using what they have done. I don't want my journal to be just pretty, so I am constantly seeking ways to make the pages of my journal more functional for me. The pretty parts are just ways for me to have fun with lettering and coming up with things.
My July Spread

I've chosen a month-at-a-glance spread (don't I sound all official??) for my use for my home journal. My work journal is a week-at-a-glance spread mainly because that's how the book arrived. In my home journal, I've included two habit trackers one for the morning and one for the evening - as you can see, if you look closely, I'm not doing very well with my habits, but I am striving towards these things, not expecting perfection!

The next page in my book, at this point, has a list of all the days off that I've had during this break with a one line comment section about what I've accomplished during this day. Yesterday's comment was "remained in bed all day for no reason."
Today's will include Kohl's and Michaels because I have coupons to use, so I am going shopping. It will also include laundry because that really needs to be done today so I can put it away and get ready for the next three weeks of work.

My work bullet journal is very practical. I have converted a teacher planner for my use. There is nothing really all that pretty about this particular journal (though I think I want to start using pen rather than pencil, so it may get just a little bit prettier). I list the three types of sessions that I lead every week and then I put in my TME ideas for each type of session. There is lots of repetition and empty space, but that's okay for this type of journal. I am constantly searching for ways to make this journal more functional for me as well.

The one thing I've learned in all of this is that YouTube videos show the pretty side of things and not the practical side. I have watched so many bullet journal videos where the presenter made statements like "I had to take a break because I was getting too involved in the presentation side of things that I forgot why I like to do this to begin with." 

If you are a person who, like me, feels the need for some more organization in your life, I suggest trying the ideas of bullet journaling. I have been able to outline projects, organize session strategies, and figure out what I want to be able to do with this system, and it is working for me...the way I do it...not the way the videos on YouTube do it. My way works for me.

Are there other music therapy bullet journalers out there? If so, let me know! I'd love to know what works for you!


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