Research-Influenced? Or Research-Informed?

I am working on intentionally using research to influence/inform my clinical practice. This is a marathon of a process, not a sprint, so I am moving slowly into this as a way of thinking about music therapy and what I do with my clients. Right now, I am struggling with what to call my process - should it be research-influenced or research-informed music therapy? I think that I am leaning towards informed, but I have been using both terms in my thinking and writing processes.

What's the difference (are you thinking like I've been thinking lately)? That's what I want to write about today. uses this definition of "Influence."
[in-floo-uh ns]

1.the capacity or power of persons or things to be a compelling force on or produce effects on the actions, behavior, opinions, etc., of others:
He used family influence to get the contract.
2.the action or process of producing effects on the actions, behavior, opinions, etc., of another or others:
Her mother's influence made her stay.
3.a person or thing that exerts influence:
He is an influence for the good.
the radiation of an ethereal fluid from the stars, regarded as affecting human actions and destinies.
the exercise of occult power by the stars, or such power as exercised.
5.the exercise of similar power by human beings.
6.Obsolete. influx.
verb (used with object), influenced, influencing. exercise influence on; affect; sway:
to influence a person. move or impel (a person) to some action:
Outside factors influenced her to resign.
9.under the influence, Law. less than drunk but with one's nervous system impaired:
He was driving while under the influence.
Also, under the influence of intoxicating liquor defines "influence" in this way...
noun in·flu·ence \ˈin-ËŒflü-É™n(t)s, especially Southern in-ˈ\

Simple Definition of influence

Popularity: Top 10% of words

  • : the power to change or affect someone or something : the power to cause changes without directly forcing them to happen

  • : a person or thing that affects someone or something in an important way

Full Definition of influence

1 a :  an ethereal fluid held to flow from the stars and to affect the actions of humans b :  an emanation of occult power held to derive from stars
2 :  an emanation of spiritual or moral force
3 a :  the act or power of producing an effect without apparent exertion of force or direct exercise of command b :  corrupt interference with authority for personal gain
4 :  the power or capacity of causing an effect in indirect or intangible ways :  sway
5 :  one that exerts influence
under the influence
:  affected by alcohol :  drunk under the influence 

Here are definitions of "inform" from the same two sites...



verb (used with object) give or impart knowledge of a fact or circumstance to:
He informed them of his arrival. supply (oneself) with knowledge of a matter or subject:
She informed herself of all the pertinent facts. give evident substance, character, or distinction to; pervade or permeate with manifest effect:
A love of nature informed his writing. animate or inspire.
  1. to train or instruct.
  2. to make known; disclose.
  3. to give or impart form to.
verb (used without object) give information; supply knowledge or enlightenment:
a magazine that entertains more than it informs.
Verb phrases
7.inform on, to furnish incriminating evidence about (someone) to an authority, prosecuting officer, etc.:
He informed on his accomplices.



verb in·form \in-ˈfȯrm\

Simple Definition of inform

Popularity: Top 40% of words
  • : to give information to (someone)
  • : to be or provide the essential quality of (something) : to be very noticeable in (something)

transitive verb
1 obsolete :  to give material form to
2 a :  to give character or essence to inform modern teaching>
b :  to be the characteristic quality of :  animate informs her work>
3 obsolete :  guide, direct
4 obsolete :  to make known
5 :  to communicate knowledge to <inform a prisoner of his rights>
intransitive verb
1 :  to impart information or knowledge
2 :  to give information (as of another's wrongdoing) to an authority <informed on a member of his own gang>
I am thinking that I will stick with research-informed rather than influenced. While my music therapy may be influenced by what I read, I think that much of what is out there doesn't really have good transfer from the research environment to the clinic. By being informed, I know about research and use it to strengthen my current music therapy practice rather than changing my music therapy practice to reflect all the different forms of music therapy research out there.

Alright - from now on, this occasional blog series will include the term "research-informed" music therapist. (You may certainly use whatever term you want, but I find that naming things helps me to understand concepts better than being vague.) So, the Music Therapy Perspectives, 32(1) and I are going to work for some planning time together so I can become more research-informed in my role as a music therapist.
Today's intentional task is to figure out what I want to get from reading all of these articles. I am going to use my super-sticky post-it notes to help me organize my thoughts and to see if there are any trends to what I find interesting. That will help me organize myself further.
Thanks for reading - comments, questions, concerns are always welcome!!


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