Supplemental Sunday: The Take-A-Chance Basket is Coming Together

I am not business-brave. I am a horrible salesperson, and I have always been that way. My sister, on the other hand, can be very persuasive when it comes to selling something to someone who doesn't want to buy the something. I have always envied that about her.


I decided that I needed to stretch my business bravery this year. I decided to donate a basket of stuff to the AMTA Take-A-Chance Drawing. The basket is in progress - you can see some of the loot in this top picture.

I love making things... file folder illustrations, visual aids for clients, books for music therapists who are interested in themes. Therapeutic Music Experience (TME) development has been a long-time goal of mine, one that was discouraged when I was in school, but one that I think there is a market for, so I've taken a big step (for me) by putting things out there.
I make things for me. I figure, however, if they work for me with my clients, they will work for other therapists with their clients. I hope that is true, and, based on the number of views that TME Tuesday posts get on average, I think there are folks out there who are interested in the TMEs I develop.

I figure that, if the basket gets 10 tickets in the Take-A-Chance Drawing, that is 10 people who now know about my stuff. That's growth for me and my business. We shall see what happens. 

Are you wondering what ant pictures and small pictures about the moon, fish, jungle, time, dinosaur, and home have to do with music therapy? If so, you can either buy a ticket for the Take-A-Chance Drawing in Kansas City in 12 days, or, if you can't be there, head on over to my website for details.

I have two more books to print, bind, and include in the basket, and then I get to make it all pretty-like. (That's something else that my sister does MUCH better than I do, but I'll give it a go!). Then it's off to the hotel and the exhibit hall!

Happy Sunday, and States friends, I hope you enjoyed your extra hour this morning. I did!


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