7 Movie Clips to Demonstrate the Use of Music for Non-musical Purposes

One of the things that I did quite a bit ago was teach an Introduction to Music Therapy course for non-majors. To introduce the concept of using music to convey specific emotions, tasks, use of music for non-musical outcomes, I compiled a bunch of clips from various movies from my own movie library. Here they are... Get Over It - The use of music to convey emotion - I enjoy the juxtaposition of this upbeat song that describes how love is stronger than any other force on earth, used to illustrate the despair of losing a love that you think is your destiny. Evolution - The use of music to attract attention - Okay, so it's a prehistoric-type mutant, but he uses his singing to direct attention to him in order to save the girl . The Muppet Movie (the original one) - The use of music to convey emotion, again. Gonzo sings about his origins. Gigi - The use of music to spur memories - I love this song and love that they remember things very differently. Stop, Look, ...