Surprise! Kids Like Music
So, I wrote about my youngster who was absolutely out-of-control in a session on Friday. Today, I found out that the behavior I was seeing was de riguer for him in every other setting, but not music. In fact, the social worker who was observing the session thought that he was doing extremely well! I, on the other hand, felt that he was completely wild and having some medication side effects. Silly me! Apparently he enjoys music and is able to keep himself under control most of the time - he was able to do so today when I arrived for his usual music therapy session. It's a shame that the social workers weren't around for that session. They would have been absolutely staggered to see him sit quietly, request materials appropriately, and engage with peers in an appropriate manner. What an interesting situation. I wonder what happened right before Friday's session that set him off. Several other kids were mentioned as having difficulties during their music therapy times -...