Taking a Synthesis Break - To Synthesize Something Else

My brain is still not working the way I think it should, so I am not going to try to synthesize my current text this week. Instead, I would like to direct your attention towards some FREE resources written and distributed by our friends in the AMTA - not the American MTA, but the Australian MTA. (From now on, I'm going to indicate this as the AusMTA just to help those of us who are American-centric and just cannot imagine life outside of this country - tongue FIRMLY in cheek here, and LOTS of SARCASM in that statement, okay?)

I follow the AusMTA on my facebook social media feed, and I enjoy seeing what is happening with music therapy in Australia. Today's post offered some free resources that I was able to download without being a member. I thought I would share the links to those readers who are interested in getting free stuff and some clinical and advocacy enrichment. 

DISCLAIMER: I have not read these documents completely at the moment, but I am looking forward to doing so. A brief skim of both of the papers I downloaded lead me to believe that these documents are great and ideas, concepts, and definitions can be easily transferred from the AusMTA perspective into my own clinical work - there may be less direct transfer for those working with other clinical populations.

So, here are the resources - you can find them at this link at the Australian Music Therapy Association's website - under Resources

Get the documents, please read them, and tell me what you think.

I am going to keep healing my brain and get back to reading these documents and other texts as soon as I can!

Happy Sunday!


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