Songwriting Sunday: Just Do It.
There is nothing better than getting into a creative routine.
That being said, it is not something that I have been doing very much of lately. It has been difficult to navigate a world where no one seems happy. I got notice that a music therapy acquaintance of mine is in hospice care, the government seems to be floundering in ways not seen for four years, and it is cloudy here. Very cloudy. More snow is coming.
All of these things have had an effect on my creativity. I am somewhat snowed under with emotion, and I am not sure that all of the things that I am feeling are mine. I am a highly sensitive, empathetic introvert, and when things get emotional and unsettled, it is best for me to move into my cocoon until I can navigate the world again. I am trying to emerge at the moment, but who knows...
Perhaps I should think of myself as a joey instead of getting into a cocoon. Back into the pocket of nurture rather than a caterpillar/butterfly. I like the idea of having a place to retreat to rather than to emerge from as a new being. I'm not sure I am becoming something other than someone who is a bit calloused from everything...
All this to merely say that it is time to just do it.
Time to get back into creativity patterns.
I will write some lyrics today. These will not be for TMEs but will be for me. I will try to figure out some of the emotions going on through everything happening in my head and my life and the lives of so many others right now.
On this Super Bowl Sunday, perhaps my appropriation of a sports equipment brand is appropriate. (Just in case you don't know, I really have no interest in the Super Bowl. It was my father's one day per year where he could watch football without interference from the rest of us. Since he died, we haven't even watched the commercials. He would have LOVED cheering on the Chiefs for the past three years.) I will make some chili dip and eat it later today before ignoring all things sports. Perhaps there is a poem or set of lyrics in that ignoring...
I am sure that we have to keep creating, especially in times of great emotion. We have to keep making things - music, art, stories, poems, dances. When we stifle our creativity, we stifle parts of ourselves that need to be exercised rather than tied down. For now, I am going to let some words flow. If those words become lyrics, then good. If not, that's okay as well.
It is time to just do it.
Just write the songs. Just make the art. Just dance to your favorite song. Just do it.
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