Opinion Day, Opinion Day
I will not turn this into a rant.
I am trying to figure out things around me, but I am also trying to keep my emotions in check. We are getting ready for another snow storm, and I have the day off for a national holiday, so there's not much to do outside. I am going to head to the library for the next round of books before the snow arrives. I anticipate that there will be another inclement weather day tomorrow since the snow is predicted to be heavier at work than here at home. I have picked up my grocery order, so I have plenty of food to get me through any sort of situation that occurs here. I also have plenty of matches, blankets, and ways to cook food without having electricity, so I should be good for another blizzard this winter.
I was thinking about several things this week - blind reviews for conferences, how I am less depressed during the winter months than the summer months, the state of our government, what to present at the World Congress for Music Therapy 2026 in Italy, and how to work out the things that matter to me the most.
There are some tasks that need to happen this week. I have to go to my nurse practitioner for my annual review and evaluation. I need to break down some boxes and let go of some cardboard. I would also like to make another TPT file folder to put on my store. I would like to make some good food to eat and to take some time to savor that food. I want to read something funny. I want to hang up some things on the walls of my house. I want to shovel snow off my driveway, but I also want to be stuck in my house for a bit by the same snow.
There is so much happening that I want to get done that I am quickly overwhelmed.
So, time to prioritize my goals.
Nurse visit is not negotiable, so I will be going to that appointment no matter what. I can walk to the office if I cannot get out of the driveway.
TPT file is not necessary, but I enjoy making them, so I think that will be close to the top of the list.
I have time to make food today - I am thinking either meatloaf or Grandma's chili (if you know, you know - right sister of mine??). I also have time to reheat things this week, so I can assemble some other meals for the freezer and fridge. Heck, with the temperatures that are being forecast for this week, I can just set things outside for a couple of minutes and they will be flash frozen.
I am also going to the library. That's been the plan for a long time, so I will head out a bit before it opens, spend 15 minutes looking through the stacks, and then head back here for some reading and cooking. First, though, I am doing some brainstorming about my presentation topic for the World Congress. I have my ideas book and some time to kill while I make some spaghetti for breakfast.
Not many opinions on opinion day, mainly because I can't really think about what is happening outside of a 60 mile radius. When I start, I get really upset about things happening that are not my responsibility.
I mourn for my country. I really do. I am disgusted that people thought that this was where we need to be and voted. I am tired of feeling anger with people that I feel are responsible for this situation, and I am tired of being surrounded by people who put the needs of billionaires over the needs of the rest of us. I cannot react to every call for action, so I end up not doing anything. That makes me feel helpless and inert. I am overwhelmed, so I end up just stagnating. Sorry about that bit of ranting. I am working on figuring out how I can change into someone who finds the thing that I am able to get behind.
I hope that you have some good food in your future. Time to get my spaghetti going.
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