Break is Over - I'm Heading Back to Work

Through a cruel twist of fate, my school is the only school where school is actually happening today in my district and in much of the state. I just realized as well that we will not get an inclement weather day on Monday when we will need it due to ice because everyone else will not be in school on Monday. So.


Today is my regular Friday schedule, so I will see one group of young adults for leisure skill promotion rather than for music therapy. As far as I know, we do not have a new classroom open, so I should not have my other scheduled group, but I do have a reward session for one of our clients who spent STARS to get extra time in the music therapy room. We will be recording her lyrics to different songs. Two sessions.

The rest of the day will be spent organizing and strategizing and preparing for next week and this month. We will be discussing Japanese music and introducing the concept of the musical map and playing games and doing music therapy things. I am grateful that my Fridays aren't full so I have some long stretches of time to engage in strategizing and preparation. I don't do things in fast blasts but in long stretches of time. I do best when I am uninterrupted, and that is definitely happening on Fridays.

What I haven't been doing is anything for my exhibit. I haven't even put in the application to the region. That has to happen tomorrow. I also have to start my inventory production. I am trying to figure out how to promote and produce materials to sell to others. I want people to access my materials in an easy way but I am not sure how to do that. More research!

I am also fighting a cold that started when I was visiting Mom. It is not getting easier but it is not getting worse. I took a COVID test and am not COVID positive, so there's that. No one else at home is sick, so I am not exactly sure what this is - I can't tell if it is an allergy or a cold. At least it isn't COVID.

Time to head out into the cold to get gas for my car and head to work. I am armed with some snacks, a bunch of new things to add to my clinic space, and some vague plans for what I want to accomplish today. I am sure that more things will become more of a concern when I actually get to work and go through emails as well as see the state of my room. It is probably just the same as I left it, but we will see. It is time to get going into the cold January.

Happy New Year, all (just three days late!!)!

Word of the Year might be revealed tomorrow - if I remember!


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