I Am Thankful For...You

This is the time of year to be thankful (here in the States it's almost Thanksgiving), so I think I'm going to post the things that make me thankful about being a music therapist.
  1. I am thankful for my clients. Without them, I would not have found this wonderful profession. My clients challenge me, learn from me, and teach me every single second of therapy. Their engagement with and through music makes my life rich. They laugh with me, cry with me, get angry with me, and teach me about the importance of being authentic and human.
  2. I am thankful for music. I love that there are no "wrong ways" to make music. I can make music however I want or need to during the moment. I can find a song to match the mood that I have at any time. If there isn't a song already out there, then I can make one up... and I do!
  3. I am thankful for employers who recognize the benefits of providing music therapy to their consumers with the services of a trained music therapy clinician. I am thankful that I get paid to do something that I love with my clients.
  4. I am thankful for the American Music Therapy Association. The people who make up AMTA, from National Office to committee members to volunteers to regional members to local members, challenge me to be the best music therapist possible. The folks at National Office help us on a national and international level. They are constantly representing me (and you) in matters that may not directly affect my life, but would often have ramifications if not addressed. The volunteers who give of their time, energy, and wisdom are what make AMTA work. Without us, folks, there would be no AMTA.
  5. I am thankful for Music Therapy Colleagues out there, every day, working with clients all over the world. As I've "grown up" as a music therapist, I have met music therapists from all over the world who have made differences in my life as well as in the lives of my clients through me. I am thankful for those who came before me, and I am thankful for those coming into the profession right now.
  6. I am thankful for a rich music therapy social media community. Seriously. In the past, I've felt very isolated in my small area of the world, but no longer! I pick and choose which media I use, but it is wonderful to have a community of fellow therapists to reach out to when needed.
  7. I am thankful for you, dear reader. You have taken time out of your busy day to read the thoughts of a music therapist out there. Together we've gathered over 24 thousand views on this little blog. That means so much for me - that people actually want to see what I've written about this profession. Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU!
I am thankful for so much during this time of the year, and I hope that you will have some time to reflect on thankful things of your own.


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