It Is Official. Vacation is Over.

It is officially time to get ready to go back to work. I did not get my chance to get bored with things, and I do not feel ready to go back to work, but it is time. My church job starts tomorrow with singing in worship and getting the choir ready to go for next week. My regular job starts on Monday, so today is my last day without work responsibilities.

I am going to take a moment to have a short tantrum on the floor over here.

Okay. I think I'm better.

I was happy to see my mother, and we did lots of things without conflict. She was able to complain about my father to a sympathetic ear (not mine) and found that she is not alone in her complaints about retirement and formally busy men. We went places and did things and ate out lots, but I did not gain any weight (whew). I did not get anything clean once Mom arrived, but I did get things pretty well cleared before then. I bought a new mattress (which I desperately need!), and it will be delivered next Saturday. I have some time to get my bedroom ready for new stuff. That is my primary goal for today - to get the bedroom ready for my new bed.

My next substantial time away from work is in December. We are finished with school on December 20 and will be off until January 2. Only 12 days that time around, and I will be in California for some of that time - sigh. I cannot figure out how much time I'll have this time next year because we don't have the 2019 August schedule yet.

Wow. This is turning into a whole bunch of complaining - this is why I haven't posted my first writings for the past three days. Yesterday, I plain old gave up with writing and just skipped a day.

The end of my vacation means the beginning of more structure for my clients. I have to remember the days of my own school experience where I wanted to get back into the routine of learning and socializing. My students feel the same way, and possibly more so because they don't have the opportunities that I had to go to Vacation Bible School and various and sundry camps to decrease the boredom. They also have significantly shorter summer breaks, but that's neither here nor there. We will get into our regular routine on Wednesday when the students start up again. 

I don't have many facility-related goals this year. I am looking forward to continuing my mentor relationship with my current intern, and I am also looking forward to starting another intern's time with my clients next month. I want to be the best example and mentor for them that I can be. This will mean getting my individual sessions set up and running for and with my interns. It is time to shift my focus onto fostering therapeutic relationships between my clients and my interns and away from me (a bit). I have to process those feelings as I watch clients who have never really responded to me start to bloom when working with interns. I also have to lose my identity as "THERAPIST" when I pull away from the active leadership role. I become "that lady who is always writing over there in the corner," and that is rough for me. I got into music therapy because I love making music with people, and watching is not my favorite role. It is essential for the development of interns, though, so I take up those roles for my interns. Most of my goals are intern-related.

All of my other goals are personal or not-facility-related professional goals. I am building up my Teachers Pay Teachers store, I am getting ready to market my CMTE course, Composition and Creativity, and I want to travel to one music therapy location this next year to provide either training or service to other music therapists. I want to exercise more and eat better (translation? Less candy and more broccoli). I want to set up morning and evening routines to get things done around my living area. I also want to stay up longer at night and not go to sleep at 7pm.

I am getting ready to post my Daily Happiness post over on Facebook, and I'll probably post something about being a slug the past two days. It has been nice not to have to get up and go somewhere or do something. I've eaten up much of the leftovers that Mom left over, but I still have to use the milk that she left. I'm not sure how I'll use it because I don't drink it, so I guess I need to make some cheese sauce or gravy or something. She did drink most of it.

Today I will turn my eyes towards this next year. I will load up the car with the stuff that I need to take to my room. I will spend some time thinking up my session strategies for this first week, and I will focus on finding my energy.

It is time. Vacation is over.


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