Wow! We Music Therapists Sure Love FREE Things!!

Yesterday, I posted a link to some free resources - sing about summer - available on my website. (If you didn't see yesterday's post, click on the link above to get to the page and to the resource!) Since my post yesterday morning, I've had a multitude of messages to respond to as well as LOTS of blog post views! I've sent out tons of messages, several emails, and significant numbers of likes and thumbs ups to indicate that I have responded to comments, requests, and emails.

We love free things, don't we? I know I do. Most of the cool visual aids that I have downloaded from Teachers Pay Teachers have been the freebies - I don't have all that much money to spend on that site (it's addicting!) - so, I look for the free stuff. 

I am really glad that so many people have asked for this resource. It is something that I love to do, the pulling together of disparate therapeutic music experiences (TMEs) into something that has a coherent theme and therapeutic purpose. sing about songs is a labor of love for me - something that I have always wanted to share with others - compilations of TMEs based on different themes designed for use with many different client populations. I have published other editions of the sing about songs series - travel, winter, the Olympics, autumn, fun and games, nature - but they have only been something that I've had and used in my own music therapy sessions. I hope that other music therapists will decide that sing about summer is something valuable to them and will consider my other themed compilations of TMEs.

For the moment, however, I am trying to keep up with the flow of messages. If you haven't received a message from me (in the way that you contacted me initially), I am working through all the messages and will get it to you eventually. If you don't want to wait, the click on this link to get you to the download page! I will still send you the link again, but at least you will have access right now.

By the way, if you are interested in sing about winter, shoot me an email at this page, and I'll send you a link to that free resource as well! This offer is only available through the blog and my email address, so send me an email!


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