Thoughtful Thursday:

My quotation box is something that I use for inspiration. It is a small box, not at all decorated in my type of colors or style, and it is chock full of small, black, double-sided cards. Every so often, I switch the cards around so that I can see a new thought, a new quote from someone out there.

This is the quotation for today.
"Let your mind be quiet, realizing the beauty of the world, and the immense, the boundless treasures that it holds in store."  ~Edward Carpenter
For me, this quote seems to encompass the entire idea of mindfulness.

I haven't spent much time this past week in mindful practices. I've been thinking lots, spending time with myself and the cat, and moving from task to task, but I haven't been doing these things in a mindful manner. This kind of quotation offers me a reminder, from my little copper and white striped box, to stop and be mindful.

I need little reminders every so often. I need big, audacious reminders at other times. Right now, the little reminder from my quotation box is enough for me to stop and think.

I am going to engage in some purposeful mindful practice today. I'm not sure how it will happen, but it will happen.


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