Thoughtful Thursday: Searching for Interest in What I Have to Do Rather Than What I Want to Do!

I have a problem. It's not a major issue as far as life goes, but it is coloring everything I do lately.
I'm not interested.

Have you ever had a time when you just weren't interested in what you had to do? Now, I'm still interested in my clients, but the other stuff is boring me. I would rather sit and listen to music for my upcoming theme (Future/Dreams/Occupations) than do my documentation. I'm not interested in cleaning my office because I am too busy organizing my sensory closet (it looks BEAUTIFUL!!). I haven't spent much time in my administrative duties because I am too wrapped up in my creation process.

This could be a problem.

I know that putting off my documentation is something that will get me in the end. Documentation has to be done, so the list of classes that need to be finished is growing rather than shrinking. I will have to tackle that list specifically this morning and tomorrow as well in order to catch up. Since I chose to put off those notes, I will have many, MANY more to do at one time than I like, but I am the one who made that decision - I did it to myself.

Off I go to lead five more group therapy sessions for the week. We are not really trying for much learning this time of the year - my students are struggling with holiday frustrations, holiday excitement, interpersonal conflicts, being tired, not getting to go outside to run, lack of light during the darkest part of the year, and the list goes on. It is rare to walk through the hallways and NOT hear crying, screaming, and anger. We are trying to avoid that situation in music therapy by providing an outlet. During this part of the week, we are using the sound shapes to hit balls around the room. I can justify this particular therapeutic music experience (TME) in all sorts of ways, but the primary goal for this TME, right here, right now, is to exhaust our bodies. The secondary goal is to expend some of the energy that is building and building.

I will get to work early - I have been at work about 45 minutes early every single day this week - and I will try my best to knuckle down to writing my notes. I must document. I need to finish notes before I do anything else. If I don't spend some time on this task now, my tomorrow will be much more difficult. (I know that in my rational brain, but that emotional brain just keeps jumping to thoughts like "ooh. That would work really well with the __ Pod during January." I am going to keep my post-it notes next to me so I can acknowledge those thoughts and ideas, write them down, and then focus back on the task at hand.

Time to find my professional responsibility and act like an ethical, responsible therapist rather than a holiday-crazed person who cannot concentrate...squirrel!
The look Bella-cat gives me when I am a bit too energetic for her tastes...I'm getting that look LOTS lately.

Happy Thursday (anyone else finding that this week is going very slowly???).


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